Introvert, Extrovert or Ambivert


So I have recently been questioning just which one I am.  Introvert, Extrovert or Ambivert.  Now if you have known me as an adult you would probably say that I’m an Extrovert.  I am a social butterfly, always ready to talk to strangers, will go out and sit at a bar all by myself for dinner, and over all I just love meeting new and different people.  Now, if you knew me as a child you may say I was an Introvert.  I was pretty shy and quiet.  Although I was a talker, I was a big scaredy cat.  In kindergarten, I would go to the nurse’s office on a regular basis, sick to my stomach, but  I came to realize later it was just nerves.  I was the kid who would go to sleep over a friend’s for the night and once it was time to go to bed, I suddenly fell ill and needed mom to come pick me up.  I know if you didn’t know me then, you would never believe it.  Actually, I’m still this way.  If something bothers me or I’m afraid, I will get sick to my stomach.  I’m still somewhat of a scaredy cat.

So then I got to thinking, maybe I’m both.  Maybe I’m an ambivert.  So thanks to google I found this article on the Huffington Post telling me Yes, It’s Possible To Be Both An Introvert And An Extravert.  So I thought I would check it out.  According to this article it says, “Being an introvert or extravert isn’t just a question of how friendly or social you are. According to the “arousal model,” it’s more a matter of how stimulated you are, particularly in the neuron-dense neocortex of the brain, which acts as the center for higher mental functions such as spatial reasoning, conscious thought, language and sensory perception.”  I started thinking about this.  I do like to be social, however, big crowds like concerts, sports events and loud places do often drain me.  I need a good balance of social and quiet.  I need to recharge from time to time.  So I read a little further to discover the article then describes this “Ambiverts, by definition, are right in between the two when it comes to arousal — either because they go back and forth between being over and under the optimal level of arousal, or because they’re usually in the middle at a comfortable level of arousal — so they’re generally comfortable with a balance of both calmer and more stimulating experiences.”  Which totally makes sense.  Upon googling some more info I found one of those online quizes to tell me exactly which one I am.  The results are in and it says…I’m an introvert.  You can check them out here:  quiz results.

After all this research, I still haven’t quite decided which one is correct, although it is very interesting.  I guess I really don’t have to label myself as anything and I don’t have to fit every characteristic of any of them.  So, which one are you?  If you would like, take try the quiz here: Quiz


Huffington Post:

Photo Credit:  Nigel Fubara of Zoo Media


Published by Gingerfunk

Healing in progress... One woman's journey through healing by sharing stories and connecting

11 thoughts on “Introvert, Extrovert or Ambivert

  1. I was an extrovert as a kid, they I turned into a introvert as a teenager (due to outside pressure), now, by your description, I think I am an ambivalent. But, as you said, the labels don’t really matter. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m definitely an introvert. Have you ever taken a personality test where you get the four-letter result? If not, here you go: It is super accurate for me. And I took at different times in my life and I’ve ended up with the same result. That doesn’t always happen for everyone but for me, that has been the case so far at least. I think you’d enjoy taking the test and digging into your personality type, if you haven’t already.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Well yeah technically speaking but usually we gel with like-minded individuals so I’m curious where the link is with folks. It’s part of my INFJ way. lol

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